Explorers in Libraries is a term time after-school art group for young people in KS2.
We currently have three Explorers locations
Ings library (HU8)
Gipsyville Library (HU4)
Greenwood Avenue Library (HU6)
At each library, young people work with local artists to get creative, develop new skills, make new friends, plan exhibitions, gain confidence, and bring about change in their local community. Young Explorers are actively involved in co-producing the project with the facilitating artists and they learn from each other, by sharing ideas, experiences and creativity.
Free registration is now open for children in KS2 to join Explorers in Libraries, please contact one of the library locations for more information.

Locate and visit your closest local branch (Ings, Greenwood Avenue, Gipsyville) during opening hours.
Tell your librarian you’d like to enrol in Explorers in Libraries.
That’s it!
All materials will be supplied and sessions are free for young people in KS2.
Thursday 4.00-5.30 pm | term time
Greenwood Avenue
Wednesday 4.00 - 5.30 pm | term time
Wednesday 4.00 - 5:30 pm | term time

Everyone should have access to the Arts. Artlink Hull and Hull Libraries are doing our part to extend opportunities to different areas of our amazing city.
We would love to see what you make, so tag us with #ExplorersInLibraries.